Wallet settings
*For smooth and safe use, we recommended to choose a Google Chrome browser to install MetaMask wallet
*For smooth and safe use, we recommended to choose a Google Chrome browser to install MetaMask wallet
Open the link and add an extension;
Click [Add to Chrome] to complete the installation of the MetaMask extension;
3. Get started, create or import a wallet and follow the instructions to complete the creation of a wallet account;
4. Switch to Binance Smart Chain network.
1) Click [Main Ethereum Network] to switch to custom RPC;
2) Fill in the RPC parameters and click [Save] to complete the switch to the Binance Smart Chain main network;
Network name: BSC
Add RPC URL:https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/
Symbol: BNB
Browser block URL:https://bscscan.com/